

  • Penn State University - BS Biostatistics


  • Genetic Encoding
  • Visualization
  • Exposome and GxE


January 06, 2021

The Hall Lab published a study in PLoS Genetics featuring the lab’s novel genetic encoding method: EDGE. Using EDGE, we identified a novel genetic interaction associated with age-related cataract that no other method identified. EDGE shows promise for identifying nonadditive genetic effects in biomedical data.

Hall, Molly A., et al. “Novel EDGE encoding method enhances ability to identify genetic interactions.” PLoS genetics 17.6 (2021): e1009534.

December 18, 2019

The Hall Lab original CLARITE (pronounced clarity) software and first EWAS for BMI was published in Frontiers in Genetics: CLARITE Facilitates the Quality Control and Analysis Process for EWAS of Metabolic-Related Traits